In this article, we will talk about how to know if a Nigerian Man wants to marry you. Naturally, it’s important to know if you are in a relationship or “situationship”. You don’t want to be stuck in a merry-go-round that is heading nowhere in the nearest future. So, my sisters, it’s important to keep your eyes open, so you precisely your position in your relationship.
Every time I here about a lady who has spent a long time in a relationship closed to the truth about it’s future. Even after the tips in this article, there would still be a lot of us with our own belief systems. However, do pay attention to the fact that these signs are not for everyone. In truth – there is no perfect sign to know if a Nigerian man wants to marry you. So, my greatest advice is -be yourself, enjoy your relationship, invest in it, but the bottom line is, let your dreams soar. Therefore, if you have plans to leave the country, build your education, grow your business or do something amazing, do all of it. Your relationship would mean more, if you had more to offer to it. Never let yourself get caught up in merely looking for the signs. Once you’ve got doubts, walk out or stay in- that’s for you to decide. So, take the advice here, carefully, work on it and always remain true to your purpose, dreams and future.
So, here we go, 10 signs to know if a Nigerian man wants to marry you.

Enormous Signs to Know if a Nigerian Man wants to marry you
1. He says it
The most obvious of signs to know if a Nigerian man wants to marry you is when he tells you so. In some cases, he may not be that obvious, until he actually wants to go with the engagement stage. So, he might ask you about your preferred wedding colors, ring sizes or other key aspects of a wedding celebration. If your guy is particular about these details, then it’s sitting at the center of his every thought.
2. He tells you about his future plans
Every real man has future plans. He knows where he wants to be one year, two or three years down. If he has you in those plans and is open enough to tell you about them such as plans about accommodation, finance, career and even the wedding project, then he is genuinely concerned about how those details concerns or affects you.
3. He’s serious about your own plans
He wants to know what your plans are about, and what it takes to bring them to reality. He wants to know about your hobby, craft, career or job. He helps you find solutions to the challenges you are facing. A Nigerian man who wants to marry you, may not have the finances to help you, but he can help you figure out what works best. And mind you, this isn’t the same as that man who is judgmental or demeaning. Stay clear from the man that makes your dreams feel like fickle, there’s every tendency they will never become reality with a man like that.
4. He entrusts you
When a man is open to sharing the most glaring details about his life, then he trusts you with his life. One of the most apparent signs to know that a Nigerian man wants to marry you is how open he is to you. This is because he knows that you are genuinely concerned about his welfare. So he trusts that you have no ulterior motive and could do no harm with the sensitive matters he discusses with you. So, he is open to ask for your opinion about everything, including his thoughts, fears, and deep feelings. He shares every aspect of his life with you and does so without reserves. However, bear in mind that he might do this without being actually ready at the moment. But, he does indeed see you as the one for him.
5. He’s emotional with you
Guys are as vulnerable as women are, but they won’t show it, if they don’t trust you enough. And that trust, comes with understanding that you are the one for them. So, when a real man isn’t scared to let you know how they feel, then you’ve got that one for yourself.
6. He talks about kids
When a man is open to making jokes about the number of kids, names of kids or even about pregnancy, he is open to the motherly side of you. This means he is considering you as someone he wants to spend his life with. You must understand that it takes a great degree of commitment and dedication for a man to openly joke or talk about these areas.
7. He is serious about your happiness
When a guy goes out of his way to do things he won’t normally do, or go to events he doesn’t like, just to make you happy, then he is gearing up to pop the question. However, you should be careful to differentiate between those escorts that pretend to please you but complain about what he left behind to “please you”. Look at his body language carefully. Even if he doesn’t feel terrific about what he is doing for you, he will be genuinely interested in being a part of something you love.
8. You are invited to every occasion
When a Nigerian man wants to marry you, he will want you to meet his family. So, he will have you with him at family events, around siblings or people he admires. If your guy, ever takes this step, then he is gearing up to settle down and have you as a member of his family.
9. He can’t get enough of you
When a man loves having you around, all the time, then he is focused on you. He will invite you to vacations, all kinds of events including company parties. He simply looks for more ways to spend time with you.
10. He doesn’t run away from hard times
No matter how tough it gets for you, he is ready to support you in any way he can. A real Nigerian man with plans to spend the rest of his life with you will provide physical, mental and emotional support. He will be the shoulder you can learn on. If a man can stay by yourself when the going gets tough, then he is a keeper.
And now you know the signs to know if a Nigerian man wants to marry you. However, we have one question – what do you think shows that you are in a situationship? Hit me with your answers.