This article will be on how much is a book of stamps. The United States Postal Service Authority (USPS) is the agency in charge of issuing postage stamps in form of small books. Americans refer to these stamp booklets as the book of stamps. The booklets usually consist of small panes of postage stamps that are covered by cardboard. There are about 20 stamps in each book of stamps.

Book of Stamps cost in Amazon
Amazon is one of the popular online and offline stores in the United States. They have fresh stamps for sale in all of their outlets across the country. There are times where they sell their stamps at a discounted price.
Book of Stamps cost in Walmart
Walmart is another place to get fresh book stamps. The cost of their stamp depends on which stamp type you want and quantity. Walmart also delivers stamps to your doorstep. Just like Amazon, Walmart offer sells their stamps at discounted prices, especially during holidays or anniversary.
How much is a Book of Stamps
Each stamp costs $0.50 and since there are 20 stamps in the book of stamps that’ll be $0.55 x 20 = $10. So a book of stamps costs $11. But you can shop around and get it at a discount price. Some of the best places to buy the book of stamps are the post office, eBay, Amazon, Walmart, Gas Stations, USPS, Commercial Banks, Pharmacies, Bookstores, Office supply stores, ATM centre and many more. Note that there are two types of stamps – first-class postage stamps and book of forever stamps. The first-class postage stamps are used to send envelopes or lightweight packages. The forever stamps are used to mail an ounce letter. There is no expiration date for the book of forever stamps as opposed to the first-class postage stamps.