What do you know about gold heart Snapchat? Do you know the meaning of top Snapchat emojis? In this post, we’ll be explaining everything you need to know about the top emojis on Snapchat. This post is for all active users of Snapchat and for those interested in jumping onboard one of the most popular social media sites especially among teens and young adults. If you’re a newbie, there are plenty of unique features on Snapchat which you’ll stumble upon as you get acquainted with the platform.
One of those features is the Snapchat emojis, they appear next to your friends names on the “Friends” tab and can be used to communicate between you and your friends. Overall, it can give you some interesting insights into the ways you interact with people on the platform. In the world of Snapchat, emojis are a symbol of the hierarchy so to speak, proof that a user’s Snapchat vibe is on “point”.
Meaning of Top Snapchat Emojis
⭐ Gold Star – this means that someone has replayed the person’s snaps in the past 24 hours. It could be that they have something interesting to show.
💛 Yellow or Gold Heart – This emoji means that you are number one best friends with each other. It means you both send the most snaps to each other.
❤ Red Heart – You have been the number one BFs (Best Friends) with each other for a minimum of two weeks straight
💕 Pink Hearts – The emoji means you have been Best Friends of each other for at least two months straight. It means things are getting serious lol.
👶 Baby – You just became friends with this person on Snapchat, so the friendship is at its early stage (baby).
😎 Face With Sunglasses – This means that one of your best friends is also one of their best friends. You guys share a close friend on Snapchat and send that person a lot of snaps in the process.
😬 Grimacing Face – This means your number one best friend is also their number one best friend. It’s awkward, right? Like what are the chances, hence the grimacing face.
😏 Smirking Face – This emoji means that you are one of their best friends but they are not one of their best friends. They send you a lot of snaps but you don’t send them that many snaps. The face indicates a one-way relationship in most cases and that you are the taker.
😊 Smiling Face – This emoji means the person is the best of friends of yours, but not your number one. It means you message the person frequently on Snapchat but they aren’t qualified to be ranked as number one.
🔥 Fire – The emoji means that you are on a Snapstreak i.e. you have snapped that person every single day and they have snapped you back to. The streak increases with the number of consecutive days you both snap each other. You’ll lose the Snapstreak if you and your friend don’t both send a snap within 24 hours of the previous one.
💯 Hundred – This means your Snapstreak with the person has reached 100 days. You and your friend snapped at each other for one hundred consecutive days.
⏳ Hourglass – This emoji indicates that your Snapstreak is about to end with that person. To keep it alive, you’ll need to send them a snap.
🎂 Birthday Cake – This is a pretty emoji to figure out. It means that day is the birthday of your friend. Note that this emoji only displays if your friend has the “Birthday Party” feature enabled in the Settings.