KickassTorrents is one of the most famous torrent sites out there. The thing not too many people know how to download from a torrent site let alone KickassTorrents.
So today, we decided to come up with this article to show you how to download movie from KickassTorrents. KickassTorrents provides a directory for torrent files of any kind. With English as its primary language, KickassTorrents is available in over 30 different languages. As of August 2015, it boasts over a million daily users.

How to Install BitTorrent on Windows and macOS
First thing first, you need to install BitTorrent before you can download from KickassTorrents. To do this, follow the steps below;
- Go to on your computer.
- Click on the “Download BitTorrent” button located in the middle of the home page.
- Then click on the “Free Download” button which is at the top right of the “Compared Features” heading.
- Select “Save File” which will download the bittorrent.exe. In some cases, you may need to choose a download location.
- After a successful download, go to the BitTorrent set-up file and double-click it. You may have to “Confirm” that you wish to open the file.
- On the bottom-right of the setup window is the “Next” button, click on it twice.
- Still at the bottom-right, click on the “I Agree” to have read and understood BitTorrent’s terms of use.
- If prompted, select “Shortcut” locations.
- Select “Next” twice, BitTorrent will download and install.
- Select “Finish”, after the installation process.
How to Download Movie from KickassTorrents
Below is how you can easily download movie from KickassTorrents;
- Go to Kickass Torrents website Due to their intrusive ads, you might want to turn on your ad blocker before visiting the site.
- Enter the movie you wish to download in the “Search Bar”. Different torrent files of the movie will appear.
- Select or choose a torrent whose Seed number is greater than its leech number. That’s the sign of a healthy torrent.
- After clicking on your desired torrent, you’ll be taken to the page of that torrent.
- Below the title of the torrent is a “Download torrent” button, click on it.
- The downloading of the torrent should only take a few seconds with a good internet connection.
- After a successful download, double-click the downloaded torrent. This should open it in the BitTorrent you installed earlier.
- Click on “Open Link” which should prompt BitTorrent to start downloading the movie. Give it some time to warm up and exercise patience when downloading torrent files.
- After downloading, the movie should be on your computer probably in the “download” section and ready to watch.
This is an easy and simple way on how to download movie from kickasstorrents. This method works for every torrent featured on kickass torrents.