This article is for people who are interested in knowing Zenith Bank dollar to naira exchange rate today. Not only the dollar currency but most foreign currency exchange rate. These are people that have an account with the commercial bank called Zenith Bank or are interested in doing the foreign transaction with them. It’s always good to know beforehand what the exchange rate of these banks, so you can be prepared for it.
The Central Bank of Nigeria licensed Zenith Bank as a commercial bank. Even though, they are a multinational financial institution. Their stocks are listed on the London Stock Exchange, and Nigerian Stock Exchange. You can see their stock rate for both the Stock Exchange when you visit their website. Zenith Bank is spreading outside of Nigeria and now have subsidiaries in the United Arab Emirates, Sierra Leone, United Kingdom, Ghana, and The Gambia. In China and South Africa, they have also representative offices.
Now let’s go to the actual reason for this article, which is the exchange rate of Zenith Bank. If you’re constantly dealing with the foreign currency trading market, bookmark this page as we constantly updated it ‘daily’ with the latest exchange rate. So, you don’t have to worry about getting stale information. Also, know the prices can fluctuate at any given time, so be careful when dealing in the market.
Below is the official exchange rate from CBN used by Zenith Bank for June 2019
Zenith Bank Dollar to Naira Official exchange rate
• 1 USD = NGN 306
Zenith Bank pounds to naira exchange rate
• 1 GBP = NGN 389
Zenith Bank euros to naira exchange rate
• 1 EURO = NGN 346.5
Zenith Bank Canadian Dollar to Naira exchange rate
• 1 CAD = NGN 225
Zenith Bank Japanese Yen to Naira exchange rate
• 1 YEN = NGN 2.838
Zenith Bank Chinese Renminbi/Yuan to Naira exchange rate
• 1 Renminbi = NGN 44.53
Zenith Bank South African Rand to Naira exchange rate
• 1 Rand = NGN 20.69
Zenith Bank Indian Rupee to Naira exchange rate
• 1 INR = NGN 5.22
Now let’s look at the black market exchange rate used by Zenith Bank for its customers.
Zenith Bank dollar to naira exchange rate
• 1 USD = NGN 366
Zenith Bank pounds to naira exchange rate
• 1 GBP = NGN 472
Zenith Bank euros to naira exchange rate
• 1 EURO = NGN 412
Zenith Bank Canadian dollar to naira exchange rate
• 1 CAD = NGN 276
Zenith Bank Japanese Yen to naira exchange rate
• 1 YEN = NGN 3.12
Zenith Bank Chinese Renminbi/Yuan to naira exchange rate
• 1 Renminbi = NGN 54.40
Zenith Bank South African Rand to naira exchange rate
• 1 Rand = NGN 25.65
Zenith Bank Indian Rupee to naira exchange rate
• 1 INR = NGN 5.33
The Forex (FX) market is constantly falling or rising, and it is hard to predict at what exchange rate a currency can be traded at a given time. The FX market responses to fiscal, and economic stimuli which occurs anywhere on planet earth. To cut the whole story short, let just say the FX market is in a constant state of flux. In Nigeria, the national banking regulator is the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). CBN deploys a collection of measures to reduce any ill-effects and maximum the advantages that arise from the state of ongoing change of the FX market.