Do you wish to know how to check custom duty online in Nigeria? Bother no more, because this article is all you require. Let’s get started!

What is Custom duty? It is a tax that is paid for imports and exports of goods in and out of Nigeria.
The Nigerian government charges custom duties on the majority of goods that are been imported into the country. The import duties that are been charged range from 6% to 65% and at times on an average of 13%. Other charges are been imposed on all imported goods and such charges are 7% port charge and 5% VAT (Value Added Tax).
It is good to know customs duty, just in case you are planning on importing any goods or commodity into the country. To avoid been defrauded or getting into trouble, you can also check the custom duty of any goods to ensure that it has been paid completely. For example, if you buy a car, it is always advisable to verify the custom duty payment and the authenticity of the documents.
It is vital to know that the paperwork that is associated with importing and exporting is enormous. Though in 2018, the Nigerian customs made a public announcement, stating that custom duty can be checked instantly. So, you can now check the charges of custom duty through your mobile device.
This article would not only teach you how to check custom duty online in Nigeria, it will also teach you how to check other verification options.
Custom Duty Papers
There are papers known as custom duty papers and they consist of forms which are called Single Goods Declaration (SDG) forms. On the SDG forms, you will see the Custom reference numbers, (C-number), at the upper right side of the form. This Custom reference number is used for data entry. The main purpose of the C-number is for filing, that is the details of imported goods kept in a catalog. The data of every imported good is stored in the database of the Nigerian Customs Service.
It is important to know that goods cannot bear the same C-number. For example, it is not possible for two vehicles to bear the same C-number, because each vehicle possesses its unique C-number.
The Custom reference number appears in this format (C-144…). It is used to enter the full details of your goods into the Custom database during the import duty payment and clearing process. There are other vital details of your goods which are the name of the consignee, clearing agency’s details, the office of the entry (PTML/TINCAN/…), and so on.
How To Check Custom Duty Online
Currently, you will not be able to check or verify custom duty online in Nigerian. Though, the Nigerian Customs Service has provided other means through which you can verify your custom duty papers, no matter where you are.
They made it possible for you to verify your custom duty by releasing their helpdesk contacts. So, you can now call their helpdesk to check or verify your custom duty papers, without you going through the stress of visiting any Customs office in Nigeria.
The helpdesk contact numbers are 3 different sets of numbers. Each set of numbers is made up of nine digits and the first eight digits in each set are the same, the difference is the last digit. Below are the helpdesk contact numbers:
- 094621597
- 094621598
- 094621599
The reason for the three sets of numbers is to aid easier and faster response from the various customs personnel on duty. So, if the first number is busy, you can dial the second or third contact number.
Once you have gotten in contact with any of the customs personnel through their helpdesk number, you will be required to provide some details. The details are
- Customs Reference Number or C-number
- Year of payment
- The Nigeria Custom Command where you paid the customs duty.
The personnel will enter the details that you have provided into their customs database. Then in a few minutes, the personnel would give you a response concerning the authenticity of your custom duty.
How To Verify If the Customs Duty On A Vehicle Is Authentic
Assuming you want to purchase a vehicle from a dealer, you must verify if the custom papers are authentic. This verification process is necessary, because some dealers buy stolen vehicles, or smuggle vehicles into Nigeria and formulate fake custom duty papers. So, to avoid been embarrassed or arrested by customs officers during Nigeria’s custom duty paper check, it is good you verify the papers.
Another situation is when fraudulent clearing agents undergo a process known as “Machined Outside or Outside Valuation.” The clearing agents go against the import duty value that is stated by the authorized Customs Valuation Officer. They then connect with fraudulent Customs Officers, that helps them forge customs documentation and bank receipts. Then the vehicles are smuggled away from the ports or via land borders into Nigeria.
Some law-abiding buyers or importers ensure that they verify the papers of each of the vehicles belonging to them.
Therefore, to verify the authenticity of the custom papers of your vehicle, call or send an SMS to the numbers listed below:
- 4621597
- 4621598
- 4621599
Then provide the following details:
- The custom reference number or C-number
- Year of payment
- The last six digits of your vehicle
- The duty amount that you paid on the SGD
- The port or location where the vehicle was brought into Nigeria
The details above are located on the Single Goods Declaration, (SGD), form.
And in a few minutes, you will get a response whether the vehicle papers are authentic or not. If it is authentic then you can go ahead to buy the vehicle from the dealer.
So with the knowledge, you have gotten, always ensure to verify and check the custom duty of goods before you purchase to avoid been embarrassed.
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