A National anthem is a piece of music sang as an act of patriotism to the nation. Generally, the music composition tells a story of about the history, suffering, traditions of its people. The music style of most Nation’s anthem is in hymns. Nigeria as a country has its own national anthem which tells a story of what the country faced, endured, suffered leading up to her existence. In this article, we shall provide you with the full lyrics of Nigerian National anthem stanza one and two.
The current Nigeria National Anthem – “Arise, O Compatriots”, was adopted in the year 1978. Not many know that it was the country’s second National Anthem. It replaced the country’s first National Anthem – “Nigeria, We Hail Thee”, which was used right from independence in 1960 up until 1978.

The lyrics of current Nigeria National Anthem was written by John A. Ilechukwu, Eme Etim Akpan, B. A. Ogunnaike, Sota Omoigui and P. O. Aderibigbe. There was a National contest at the time, and this group of individuals selected words and phrases from the best five entries to form the National Anthem. Under the directorship of B. E. Odiasse, the Nigerian Police Band put the words of the National Anthem to music.
Full lyrics of Nigerian National Anthem Stanza One and Two in the English Language
Below is the English version of the Nigerian National Anthem;
Stanza One
Arise, O compatriots
Nigeria’s call obey
to serve our fatherland
with love and strength and faith.
The labour of our heroes past
shall never be in vain,
to serve with heart and might
one nation bound in freedom
Peace and unity.
Stanza Two
O God of creation,
direct our noble cause
Guide our leaders right
Help our youth the truth to know
In love and honesty to grow
And living just and true
Great lofty heights attain
To build a nation where peace
And justice shall reign
Full lyrics of the Nigerian National Pledge in the English Language
Usually on most occasions, after the National anthem is sung, it is followed up by the National Pledge. It is a pledge of allegiance to the country and was written by Professor (Mrs.) Felicia Adebola Adedoyin in 1976. Below is the full lyrics of the National Pledge in the English language;
I pledge to Nigeria my country.
To be faithful, loyal and honest.
To serve Nigeria with all my strength.
To defend her unity, and uphold her honour and glory.
So help me God.
Full lyrics of Nigerian National Anthem Stanza One and Two in the Hausa Language
Below is the Hausa version of the Nigerian National Anthem;
Yaku ‘yan Nijeriya ku farka;
Ku amsa kiran Nijeriya;
Domin mu taimaki ƙasarmu ta haihuwa;
Don aiki ga ƙasata cikin soyayya da riƙon gaskiya;
Domin gudumawar da shuwagabaninmu ‘yan kishin ƙasa suka bada;
kada ta zama a banza;
Muyi aiki da zuciya ɗaya da girmamawa a gareta;
Domin ta kasance ƙasa ɗaya mai yanci ga kowa tare da haɗin kai da zaman lafiya.
Full lyrics of Nigerian National Anthem Stanza One and Two in Yoruba Language
This is the Yoruba version of the Nigerian National Anthem;
Dide eyin ara
Waa je ipe Naijiria
K’a fife sin ‘le wa
Pel’okun at’igbagbo
Kise awon akoni wa,
ko mase ja s’asan
K’a sin t’okan tara
Ile t’ominira,at’al aafia
So d’okan
Olorun Eleda
To ipa ona wa
F’ona han asaaju
K’odo wa m’otito
K’ododo at’ife po sii
K’aye won je pipe
So won d’eni giga
K’alafia oun eto le
Joba ni ‘le wa
Mo se ileri fun Orile-Ede mi Naijiria,
Lati je olododo, eniti o see f’okan tan
Ati olotito eniyan
Lati sin in pelu gbogbo agbara mi,
Lati sa ipa mi gbogbo fun isokan re
Ati lati gbe e ga fun iyi ati ogo re.
Ki Olorun ran mi l’owo
Full lyrics of Nigerian National Anthem Stanza One and Two in the Igbo Language
Below is the Nigerian National Anthem translated in Igbo language for better understanding to for the tribe;
kulie ndi ala anyị
Zaa oku Nigeria Ka anyị jee ozi ala anyi N’ịhụnanya, n’ike, n’okwukwe Ka ike ndị dike anyị kpara Ghara i la n’iyi Ji obi n’ike jee ozi Otú obodo nwe onwe ya Udo na ịdị n’otu.
Chukwu ony’okike
Kwado echich’oma anyi
Duzie ndi n’achi anyi
Zi umu anyi eziokwu;
Ito na nkwuba-aka oto
N’ibi ndu zir’ezi,
Itur’ugo n’ezie
N’iwu obodo eb’udo
N’ez’ikpe gachi.
This is everything you need to know about the full lyrics of Nigerian National Anthem stanza one and two. The lyrics are in the English language and the three most popular tribal languages we have in the country. Also is the full lyrics of the National Pledge.